The information below serves as a general guide only. Please refer to your quote for project specific sample submission information. If you cannot provide the requested amount please contact us for options.

General Sample Submission Criteria

  • Samples should be intact i.e. not degraded.
  • Samples should be free of contaminants: 260:280 1.8-2.2 and 260:230 ratio >1.7.
  • RNA samples must be free of genomic DNA contamination.
  • DNA samples must be free of RNA contamination.
  • DNA concentration should be measured using the Qubit or Picogreen assay as quantification by spectrophotometric methods is inaccurate.

Application Specific Sample Submission Criteria


Genome Sequencing - Short Read

Service Amount RequestedConcentrationMinimum Volume
PCR-free sample prep

(Illumina DNA PCR-free Prep)
1 ug DNA30-60 ng/ul30 ul

PCR-plus sample prep

(Illumina DNA Prep)

500ng DNA20-25 ng/ul25 ul


RNA Sequencing - Short Read


Service Amount RequestedConcentrationMinimum Volume

mRNA seq

(Illumina Stranded mRNA Prep)

1.2 ug total RNA30-40 ng/ul40 ul

Total RNA seq - human, mouse, rat, bacteria

(Illumina Stranded Total RNA Prep with Ribo-Zero Plus)

400 ng total RNA20-50 ng/ul20 ul

 Total RNA seq - plants

(TruSeq Stranded Total RNA with Ribo-Zero Plant)

3 ug total RNA 120-180 ng/ul25 ul

Total RNA seq - low input

(SMARTer Stranded Total RNA-Seq Kit v2 - Pico Input)

10-20 ng total RNA1-4 ng/ul12 ul
Total RNA seq - rRNA depleted submission120 ng rRNA depleted RNA 10-20 ng/ul12 ul

small RNA*

(QIAseq miRNA Library Kit)

600 ng total RNA
40-100 ng/ul15 ul
* contact us for input requirements for serum and plasma. 

Client Prepared Libraries 

  • Refer to your quote for the amount for this service.
  • Library fragments up to 1kb.  
  • Custom primers must be supplied at the time of sample submission.
  • One pool per run (unless prior arrangements have been made).


Exome and Panel Sequencing 

We provide various capture options requiring different input amounts. Contact us for further information. 


Microbiome Sequencing

  • 15-20ul of DNA at a concentration of 5-10ng/ul.
  • Quantification should be performed by a fluorescence assay (Qubit or Picogreen).
  • DNA of high purity (260/280, 260/230 >~1.8).
  • Samples must be amplifiable by PCR (please check this prior to submission).


ChIP Sequencing

  • 5ng of the enriched material in a total volume of 12-16ul.
  • Quantification should be performed by a fluorescence assay (Qubit or Picogreen).
  • The fragment size range of the enriched material should be 200-600bp.  

Whole Plasmid Sequencing using Oxford Nanopore

  • >300ng of purified plasmid DNA at a concentration of 15-50ng/ul (measured with Qubit) in nuclease free water or elution buffer. 
  • Minimum volume 20ul/sample. 
  • Plasmid size: 2-25kb. Please contact us if the plasmid is outside this size range as this may affect quantity of DNA required. 
  • 260/280: 1.8 - 2.0 
  • DNA is double-stranded and not fragmented (degraded). 
  • The sample does not contain a mixture of plasmids. 
  • The DNA is clean and does not contain contaminants that may affect prep or sequencing results. 

For more information, see the Oxford Nanopore guideline for plasmid extraction.


Please note, submitted samples are only checked with qubit. By submitting, the client confirms that the samples conform to the above requirements.



Oxford Nanopore Long Read Sequencing 

  • Volumes and concentration depends on the application. Contact us for further information or refer to your quote.
  • Our Long & Linked Read Sample Submission Guide provides general information on DNA/RNA quality. 
  • Samples should be of high purity (260/280 and 260/230 ratios of 2.0-2.2).
  • For full-length plasmid sequencing, see above.

Genotyping by Microarray 

  • 50ul of intact genomic DNA at a concentration of 15 - 50 ng/ul.
  • Quantification must be performed by a fluorescence assay (Qubit or Picogreen).
  • Samples should be resuspended in nuclease free water or low EDTA TE buffer. 
  • The 260:280 OD ratio should be 1.8 - 2.2 and the 260:230 OD ratio >1.8.
  • DNA should be intact as assessed by agarose gel or similar method. 
  • Note: We can accept dried samples if plate sealing is a concern. 

Nanostring Services


Contact us for further information or refer to your quote.