The Ramaciotti Centre for Genomics now offers a genotyping service using the Illumina array technology. The flexibility of an automated system, combined with the Infinium workflow, allows us to provide a high-throughput service. With Illumina genotyping arrays you can explore single nucleotide variants (SNVs), copy number variants (CNVs), and large structural changes in DNA. Illumina genotyping array allows you to survey millions of markers across disease cohorts or populations. The technology is suitable for both custom and targeted genotyping. 

Illumina Array options include: 

•Infinium Global Screening Array-24 v3.0 (e.g.Blood, Saliva)
•Infinium Global Diversity Array-8 v1.0
•Infinium iSelect Custom Genotyping Arrays  
•Infinium CytoSNP-850K v1.3 Array ( e.g.iPS cell line)

For any inquiry about the cost and design of your project, please Contact us. Discounts are available for larger studies. Information on how to submit samples for our genotyping services can be found on the sample submission page. 


Service includes:Sample QC --> data ready for analysis
Starting material:Genomic DNA
Amount DNA required:20ul of DNA (40-60ng/ul concentration)
BeadChip configuration:24 well (GSA, iSelect custom), 8 well (GDA, CytoSNP 850K)
Turnaround time:20-25 business days for in stock arrays